March 2017

Constitution deals with the Union and its Territory

Union and Its Territory

Article 1 to 4 in Part-I of the Constitution deals with the Union and its Territory.

India's Strategic Interests in South Asia

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

India's Strategic Interests in South Asia

India's foreign policy has assimilated this aspect that only in a peaceful environment there can be growth when the defence bill is reduced, only then the social and infrastructural bill will increase. For this to happen India has to make a south Asia oriented foreign policy. South Asia comprises of

China's 'Peaceful Rise' Doctrine

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

China's 'Peaceful Rise' Doctrine

'The dragon is rising but this time it is not exhaling fire, this is the most quoted statement prevailing in the international arena. China is rising on economic, political and diplomatic fronts, peacefully, smoothly without any Huss and without annoying other powers. China is achieving growth

India-Russia Defense Ties

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

India-Russia Defense Ties

India and Russia had been friends for ages, earlier due to cold war realities it was like two nation sharing common threats making them come together. But now with changing ground realities this friendship has realistically evolved as the friends between two equals. In this changing

India's Soft and Hard power Strategy in Foreign Policy

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

India's 'Soft ' and 'Hard' power strategy in foreign policy

 There may be ‘Soft’ or Hard power strategy in foreign policy. Newer realities of pragmatism that has over shadowed whole of the international diplomacy has also made India to shun off its ideological bent of

Government's steps to increase Crop Production & Diversification in India

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Steps taken by the Government for regionally differentiated approach to increase crop production and diversification in the country. Elaborate!

Agriculture and agricultural products are an important part of India's economic growth. To achieve double digit growth rate, agriculture

Significances of the various activities of the Indian Meteorological Department

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Bring out the Significances of the various activities of the Indian Meteorological Department.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) established in 1875. IMD is the principal government organization in matters relating to Meteorology, Seismology and allied subjects. Its main objective is to provide meteorological

Features and Impact of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Features and Impact of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005? Give your views.

The hallmark of any matured and civilized society is Gender Justice. In this context Domestic violence Act, 2005 has enlarged the sphere of protection given to women in their domestic relationship. The main features of

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आई. ए. एस. प्लैनर ई-लर्निंग
हिन्दी भाषा के आई.ए.एस. (यू.पी.एस.सी.) अभ्यर्थी उचित मार्गदर्शन के लिये हमारे परीक्षा विशेषज्ञ से संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

