Bio-refinery versus Fossil Fuels

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Bio-refinery versus Fossil Fuels: Write a note!

Bio-refinery is a facility in which bio-refinery system converts biomass into valuable chemicals and emits energy. This can be useful to minimize waste, produce useful chemicals and energy. Fossil fuels or minerals fuels include coal, petroleum, other hydrocarbons etc. They are formed of decayed plants and animal fossils. When subjected to heavy pressure under the earth and heat of the sun they got converted into coal, crude oil and natural gas. These are sometimes known instead as mineral fuels.

With global modernization in the 20th and 21st centuries the thirst for energy from fossil fuels, especially gasoline derived from oil, is one of the causes of major regional and global conflicts. Apart from these burning of fossil fuels by humans is the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases that radioactive forcing and contributes to global warming. On the other hand Bio-refineries do not require polluting agents in the production. Controlled decomposition and other processes takes place there, it produces pure chemicals.

Bio-refineries are largely eco-friendly while fossil fuels produces large amount of hazardous gases, causing pollution and global warming.

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