Economic backwardness as a major Challenge in Indian democracy

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Economic backwardness as a major Challenge in Indian democracy. Can democracy and development go together smoothly?

Equal economic development for its all classes of society and all parts of country is not being done in India. This is the main reason for the crippling of Indian democracy. Economic backwardness in many parts of India have resulted in poverty, under nutrition, lack of proper education, health awareness and facilities of development. In such circumstances, a citizen is not and cannot be expected to be able to participate in the process of democratic governance of the country. So, a large sector of Indian public remain out of democratic process and so nation is not running as a true democracy, due to economic backwardness. If without any influence or compulsion every citizen can take part in process of democracy, without any about threat and with well received information and knowledge, only then it can be expected to run a democracy.

Here, economic backwardness has become a real challenge to our democracy. Development and Democracy are inter-related phenomena. Requirements of people can be known only if full democratic governance is implemented. Democratic nation pays equal attention to every requirement of all sectors of society or citizens, irrespective of their level, number and strength. After satisfying all basic requirements only developments can be achieved.

Development is all about upliftment of social political, cultural, educational and economical levels of public life. Democratisation of a country can help and boost the process of achieving development. So, Democracy and Development should go together smoothly, only together and not otherwise is the basic requirement and result.

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