Evaluate the India's approach towards meeting the country's growing energy demands

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

India's approach towards meeting the country's growing energy demands. Compare the success of this approach with that of another Asian giant which has perhaps the fastest growing energy demand.

India is the second largest populated country in the world. It needs huge amount of fulfill the various needs including cooking gas and fuels for the Aeroplanes. Energy is the prime mover of economic growth. It has a direct influence or impact over the fields of industry, health, education, agriculture, transport, etc. So, availability of energy with required quality of supply is key to sustainable development.

The approach of India's Integrated Energy Policy is summarized as follows:

  • Till the maturity of market an independent regulation across the energy streams is a necessity.
  • Pricing and resource allocation to be determined by market forces under an effective and credible regulatory oversight.
  • Improved efficiencies across the energy chain.
  • Transparent and targeted subsidies.
  • 'Carrot & stick' policy to regulate market and consumer behaviour.
  • Policies that reflect externalities of energy consumption.
  • Management reforms to foster accountability and incentives for efficiency.

The long term vision behind the Energy policy is to reliably meet the demand for energy services of all sectors at competitive prices. India's per capita oil and electricity consumption are 530 kg and 615 kwh per year respectively. Whereas the world average is 1770 kg and 2516 kwh per year respectively. Even china is miles ahead, comparatively from us. China's per capita oil and electricity consumption are 1240 kg and 1585 kwh per year respectively.

These facts show that we are far behind to the average level of International standard. Although nuclear power comprises only 4% in our total production of 1,50,574 mn. as per 31 July 2009 power generation break-up of India is as follows:
(i) Thermal - 96,295 MW
(ii) Hydro - 36,917 MW
(iii) Renewable energy resources - 13,242 MW
(iv) Nuclear - 4,120 MW

According to Indian Government, nearly 30% of India's total energy needs are met through import. Despite increasing dependency on commercial fuels, a sizeable quantum of energy requirements, especially in the rural household sector, is met by non commercial energy resources. However, other forms of commercial energy of a much higher quality and efficiency are steadily replacing the traditional energy resources being consumed in the rural sector.

China, on the other hand, is presently engaged in a marathon effort to control its every rising energy consumption, while promoting the rapid growth of its economy. In fact, China's GDP of 2007 was more than double that of 2000, while the power sector added more than 90 GW of capacity in just one year. China has a very long history of pursuing energy efficiency and conservation. China has placed energy efficiency and conservation as its highest priority energy strategy. Several important high level actions has been taken to put China on a path toward less energy-oriented development.

Both, India and China have been quite successful in deliverance. But the major difference lies in the oil pricing mechanism of the two countries. India gives importance to market controlled pricing apart from the subsidised sectors, while China goes for state-controlled pricing formula.

Thus both India and china are progressively marching towards their goal of achieving self-sufficiency in energy sector but both the countries need to stress more on the non-conventional energy resources in order to promote sustainable development.

This is a list of states and territories of India by installed capacity of power utilities with electricity generation mode break-up as of 31st December 2013 with figures in millions of watts (Megawatts).

Rank State/Union Territory Total Installed Capacity (MW**) Thermal Nuclear (MW) Hydro (MW) Renewable energy* (MW)
Coal (MW) Gas (MW) Diesel (MW) Total (MW)
India 233,929.94 138,213.39 20,380.85 1,199.75 159,793.99 4,780.00 39,893.40 29,462.55
1 Maharashtra 32,505.98 20,239.27 3,475.93 0.00 23,715.20 690.14 3,331.84 4,768.80
2 Gujarat 26,269.12 15,738.27 4,978.99 17.48 20,734.74 559.32 772.00 4,203.06
3 Tamil Nadu 20,716.52 8,626.23 1,026.30 411.66 10,064.19 524.00 2,182.20 7,946.13
4 Andhra Pradesh 17,285.48 8,573.48 3,370.40 36.80 11,980.68 275.78 3,734.53 1,294.49
5 Uttar Pradesh 14,274.57 10,682.95 549.97 0.00 11,232.92 335.72 1,859.45 846.48
6 Rajasthan 14,059.12 7,679.72 775.03 0.00 8,454.75 573.00 1,548.32 3,483.05
7 Karnataka 13,940.66 6,158.39 0.00 234.42 6,392.81 254.86 3,599.80 3,693.19
8 Madhya Pradesh 12,902.35 8,503.89 257.18 0.00 8,761.07 273.24 3,223.66 644.38
9 West Bengal 8,708.82 7,216.87 100.00 12.20 7,329.07 0.00 1,248.30 131.45
10 Haryana 8,251.81 6,082.03 560.29 3.92 6,646.24 109.16 1,373.21 123.20
11 Punjab 7,614.95 3,790.88 288.92 0.00 4,079.80 208.04 3,029.53 297.58
12 Delhi Territory 7,500.79 4,556.37 2,116.01 0.00 6,672.38 122.08 690.33 16.00
13 Odisha 7,381.79 5,115.06 0.00 0.00 5,115.06 0.00 2,166.93 99.80
14 Chhattisgarh 6,864.91 6,388.49 0.00 0.00 6,388.49 47.52 120.00 308.90
15 Damodar Valley Corporation 6,838.86 6,555.60 90.00 0.00 6,645.60 0.00 193.26 0.00
16 Kerala 3,875.20 914.56 533.58 256.44 1,704.58 95.60 1,881.50 193.52
17 Himachal Pradesh 3,824.96 152.02 61.88 0.13 214.03 34.08 2,950.94 625.91
18 Uttarakhand 2,588.01 300.50 69.35 0.00 369.85 22.28 2,006.01 189.87
19 Jharkhand 2,579.86 2,358.88 0.00 0.00 2,358.88 0.00 200.93 20.05
20 Jammu and Kashmir 2,524.96 329.32 304.14 8.94 642.40 77.00 1,658.03 147.53
21 Bihar 2,198.13 1,954.70 0.00 0.00 1,954.70 0.00 129.43 114.00
22 Assam 1,140.04 60.00 598.52 20.69 679.21 0.00 429.72 31.11
23 Meghalaya 455.27 0.00 65.61 2.05 67.66 0.00 356.58 31.03
24 Tripura 433.07 0.00 349.84 4.85 354.69 0.00 62.37 16.01
25 Goa 400.02 326.17 48.00 0.00 374.17 25.80 0.00 0.05
26 Sikkim 313.99 82.61 0.00 5.00 87.61 0.00 174.27 52.11
27 Puducherry Territory 281.87 230.09 32.50 0.00 262.59 19.28 0.00 0.00
28 Arunachal Pradesh 249.41 0.00 32.05 15.88 47.93 0.00 97.57 103.9
29 Manipur 178.80 0.00 46.96 45.41 92.37 0.00 80.98 5.45
30 Mizoram 149.92 0.00 27.28 51.86 79.14 0.00 34.31 36.47
31 Nagaland 116.83 0.00 32.84 2.00 34.84 0.00 53.32 28.67
32 Chandigarh Territory 109.58 32.54 15.32 0.00 47.86 8.84 52.88 0.00
33 NLC 100.17 100.17 0.00 0.00 100.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
34 Dadra and Nagar Haveli Territory 79.93 44.37 27.10 0.00 71.47 8.46 0.00 0.00
35 Daman and Diu Territory 48.29 36.71 4.20 0.00 40.91 7.38 0.00 0.00
36 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Territory 70.40 0.00 0.00 60.05 60.05 0.00 0.00 10.35
37 Lakshadweep Territory 9.97 0.00 0.00 9.97 9.97 0.00 0.00 0.00

'**' MW refers to Mega Watt
'*'Renewable Energy Sources (RES) includes small hydro projects, wind, solar, tidal, biomass and urban & industrial waste power.
Table Data Source: wikipedia.org

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