Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education in India

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Topic: Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education in India

Globalisation has considerably reduced funding on part of the Government as a result. Private companies and foreign agencies are being given due weightage. Globalisation has given boost to the higher education in India by opening horizons of progress in every sector.

Some positive impacts are as follows:

This globalisation has also made distant education available inside the country. The instant impact of it is that students who care diligent and meritorious lot but devoid of resources to avail of latest educational patterns through visiting foreign countries, would get this facility in India.

Multimedia Technology has come in vogue that is becoming popular due to its multi-dimensional approach and uses by this globalization. It has also facilitated and brough leverage in higher education.

Some negative impacts are as follows:

  • Flipside of this globalization is that it could erode our traditional values and ethos.

  • Another negative impact of this globalization is that it has become beyond the reach of poor students. Since educational level by these agencies has been elevated, the monetary requirements to become admitted and study has also spiraled.

  • The standard of education has substantially been raised since private and foreign agencies are quite innovative and experimental in their attitude and dealing.

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