Major Extra-Constitutional Factors Influencing the Federal Polity in India

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Major Extra-Constitutional Factors Influencing the Federal Polity in India. Discuss!

The constitution of India provides for a federal government. Division of powers between the centre and states is fundamental to the federalism. There are many measures in constitution which can influence centre-state relations. In the same way are having extra-constitutional measures which are influencing the federal polity.

Major extra-constitutional body. It may be mentioned as below:

Planning commission: It is an extra-constitutional body. It is the most influencing and important policy maker of Indian government. It makes an assessment of material, capital and human resources, of the country. It formulates the FYP for the country, by which it make sure effective and balanced utilization of country resources. But somehow its composition is only biased towards the central government. Principle of state Autonomy is somehow violated in this way.

Regional parties have gained importance in this phase of coalition government at centre. The centre inclines towards the region supports the central government. It affects fair decisions of centre, thus principle of equality and autonomy is violated. Demographic division of states is one of the factors which affect Indian polity. Sometimes it is argued that planning commission has encroached upon the autonomy of the states under the federal polity.

Thus, we can say that extra-constitutional factors are affecting the Indian federal polity.

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