States tackled the trade-off between environment & development

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Topic: States tackled the trade-off between environment and development?

It will have to be accepted that we were not much concerned about the environment protection and conservation in some decades of the starting, but only concentrated on exploiting the natural resources, physical and economical development to the extent that imbalance in them was caused. Many components of environment witnessed a serious threat as we used the available potential in such a thoughtless way.

But soon India realised and started to grow in sustainable manner, so that environmental degradation can be prevented and remedied. India continuously participated in every international conventions and summit on environment after Stockholm Declaration of 1972. In all these conventions many legal acts to protect environment has passed. Such as Wild Life Act-1972, Water Pollution Act-1972.

Environment Protection Act-1986 etc. All these laws are aimed at saving environment. Apart from these all industries have to get environment certificate, to the effect that they do not cause harm to it beyond the permitted level.

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