Important Topics: World History (American Civil War)

World History

(American Civil War)

War within a country

Most important movement (American war of independence) in American history for freedom and equality. It was fought for five years from 1861 to 1865 between Northern (capitalistic and anti-slavery states) and Southern states (Plantation/lands and to maintain this they needed large slave labour, so they were Pro-slavery). Federation of North states emerged as winner and slavery was abolished.

Reasons (Anti-slavery movement of Northern States)

  • Capitalism: South slave population as a market for industrialist of north.
  • Humanism: Independence of declaration by Thomas Jefferson, humanism and welfare are basic tenets.
  • Inspiration: France abolished slavery in Haiti in 1789, Britain abolished slavery in 1773. (So, it was shameful for USA to still continue slavery even after it being abolished). 

These were the major three reasons why slavery was demanded to abolished.

Important Events

  • Purchase of Louisiana: In 1820 from Napoleonic France. Extended America from Appalachian mountains to Rockies. Created a question on whether new states will have slavery or not.
  • Missouri Agreement of 1820: America was not in a position to face Civil War, so Missouri was declared a slave state.

Back door policy of capitalist states: Capitalist lobby adopted back door policy for anti-slave movements.

  • Started Anti-slavery Society in 1833
  • Garrison (Journalist, USA) published "Liberator". It was for anti-slavery movement and against slavery.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin ( a novel) by Mr. Stowers: Emotional attack, describing inhuman and pathetic condition of slave states.

Retaliation of South: South started increasing Slave states by fair and foul means. Kansas and Nebraska forcefully converted into slave states. this ruptured the fragile relationship between north and south. It lead to origin of Republican Party (Abraham Lincoln in 1861).

Republican Party

Came into existence in March 20, 1854. The sole agenda was abolishing slavery in America. Their famous President Abraham Lincoln got elected in 1861. This was warning for Slave states which led to beginning of Civil War.

Important! Civil War per se (in details) is not important for UPSC. However, you must become aware for pre civil war conditions of USA.

Role of Abraham Lincoln

Elected from Republican Party in 1861.

  • He changed the issue of war: War started with slavery as the issue, he transformed it to 'Unity of Federation'. So he involved and evoked the emotions of Americans.
  • Role of volunteers: Lincoln took help of volunteers to promote message of story of birth of America, created confusion among the opposite party.
  • 13th Constitutional Amendment Act 1865: Abraham Lincoln was successful in arousing the emotions among American people, and somehow got amendment passed, abolished slavery and gained huge supports of African-American population.

Personal contribution of Abraham Lincoln: Direct participation in capture of Orleans and battle of Gittensburg, eliminated hurdles for growth of capitalism and due to his efforts America emerged as a World Power post.
