General Studies Practice Paper for IAS Prelims - (Environment)

IAS Prelims (General Studies)
Sample Paper

Environment & Ecology

1. A nations natural resources often determine its wealth and status in the world economic system by determining its
(a) political influence
(b) wealth
(c) resources for industrial development
(d) none of the above
Answer (A)

2. Which of the following pairs with respect to composition of sea water (element by percentage weight) is correctly matched ?
(a) Hydrogen 85.79%
(b) Sulphur 1.898%
(c) Carbon 0.003%
(d) Chlorine 1.056%.
Answer (C)

3. Which of the following is the characteristics of ocean ecosystem ?
(a) They are the largest and most stable ecosystem
(b) The occur in the regions with less than 10" of annual rainfall
(c) The succulent plants are found in the ocean ecosystem
(d) None of the above.
Answer (A)

4. Stratosphere is devoid of weather pheno­menon because
(a) all the atmosphere ozone is present in this layer
(b) it is free from moisture and dust
(c) it has a maximum temperature of–2°C
(d) the harmful radiations are absorbed by
Answer (A)

5. Hydro-electric power stations are generally located in mountainous regions, mainly because
(a) they receive heavy rainfall
(b) rivers are perennial in such regions
(c) rivers have steep gradients in such regions
(d) Dams can be constructed more easily
Answer (C)

6. Which of the following pairs regarding the fuel and its heating value is correctly matched ?
(a) Wood    19,000 kj/kg
(b) Coal    23,000 kj/kg
(c) Peat    35,000 kj/kg
(d) Natural gas    28,000 kj/kg
Answer (A)

7. Very toxic gas which causes headache, visual difficulty, paralysis and even death in the human beings is
(a) carbon dioxide (b) ozone
(c) carbon monoxide (d) none of the above
Answer (C)

8. An increase in the number or size of the dust particles in air leads to warming, because such particles
(a) increase moisture in air
(b) scatter only blue light
(c) scatter all kinds of light
(d) are very cold.
Answer (C)

9. Which of the following process does not evolve carbon dioxide in the air ?
(a) Burning (b) Breathing
(c.) Organic decay
(d) Photosynthesis
Answer (D)

10. The formation of NOx can be suppressed by using staged-fuel burners because
(a) combustion temperature control the formation rates of thermal NOx
(b) they absorb all the moisture available in the atmosphere
(c) they provide cooling to the system
(d) none of the above.
Answer (A)

11. In hilly areas blasting operations for road construction may cause considerable damage to environment through
(a) loosening of hill sides and resultant landslides
(b) variation in water table
(c) seismic activity due to blast
(d) none of the above
Answer (A)

12. How many projects in the list of Schedule I of EIA guidelines require environmental clearance from MoEF ?
(a) 29 (b) 27
(c) 17 (d) None
Answer (D)

13. Environment (Sitting far Industrial Projects) Rules, 1999 do not allow setting up of any industrial unit
(a) within the municipal limits of any Municipal Corporation
(b) within a 25 km belt around cities having population mare than 1 million
(c) within the 7 km belt around the periphery of wetlands
(d) all the above
Answer (D)

14. The mathematical models far prediction of environmental impacts attempt to
(a) qualitatively describe the cause and effect relationship between the various system variables
(b) quantitatively describe the cause and effect relationship between the various system variables
(c) bath the above
(d) none of the above
Answer (D)

15. In the BEES system, the environmental quality scale is obtained far each of the identified parameters through the use of
(a) values of parameters an X-axis
(b) use of corresponding functional relationship
(c) value of parameters an Y-axis
(d) all the above
Answer (B)

16. Environmental audit is an important tool for the development project for which of the following reasons ?
1. It supplies to the management with environmental database of the units
2. It enables the staff and employees to improve their technical capability and environmental awareness
3. It safeguards the environment and improves goodwill and public image of the company
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
Answer (A)

17. Which of the following can be defined as the ease with which a fluid can flow through the waste ?
(a) Permeability (b) Field capacity
(c) Specific gravity (d) None of the above
Answer (A)

18. Composition of solid wastes differs from locality to locality because
(a) some locality keep them clean
(b) people in a particular locality have similar background in terms of incomes, tastes and expenditure
(c) people throw the wastes at the same disposal place
(d) none of the above.
Answer (B)

19. The processes such as composting, anaerobic digestion, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and pelletization are employed for
(a) volume reduction of wastes
(b) wastes transformation
(c) recycling of wastes
(d) none of the above
Answer (B)

20. Volume, physical and chemical characteristics of wastes, including potential for volatilization and dispersion are important considerations in handling disposal regarding
(a) surface water quality
(b) air quality
(c) groundwater quality
(d) none of the above
Answer (B)

21. Stray animals shall not be allowed to move around waste storage facilities or at any other place in city/town is a provision of
(a) Environmental Protection Act, 1986
(b) Municipal Corporation Act, 1957
(c) Waste Management and Handling Rules, 1999
(d) None of the above
Answer (A)

22. According to Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 the term ‘animal article’ means
(a) the things made of animal products
(b) the things made up of body parts of wild animals
(c) object made from any captive animal or wild animal, other than vermin and any part of such animal
(d) none of the above.
Answer (C)

23. The objective and guiding principles for developing environmental education at all levels were formulated at
(a) UNESCO conference 1975
(b) Tibilisi Conference 1977
(c) UNESCO Conference 1977
(d) all the above.
Answer (B)

24. India’s Supreme Court issued a ruling requiring all the city’s buses to be run on compressed natural gas in
(a) 1999 (b) 1988
(c) 1985 (d) 1998
Answer (A)

25. Consider the following statements regarding India's Environmental problems:
1. The Sardar Sarovar Project will threaten the livelihoods off more than 140,000 people
2. The 206.5 meter high earth and rockfill dam is being constructed at Tehri on the river Ganga
3. The Tehri dam project envisages the generation of 2.400 megawatts of electricity Of these statements
(a) only 1 is correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct
(c) 1 and 3 are correct (d) all are correct
Answer (C)

26. Which of the following pairs regarding the National Parks and its location is correctly matched ?
(a) Bandhavgarh --- Rajasthan
(b) Nagarahole --- Maharashtra
(c) Kaziranga --- Assam
(d) Dudhwa --- Madhya Pradesh
Answer (C)

27. The steps involved in ex-situ conservation of biodiversity include
1. Establishing minimum target population goals to provide for maintenance of captive genetic diversity for at least the next 100 years
2. Implementing GASP (Global Animal Survival Plan)
3. Facilitating gene flow through the creation of corridors, introduction of new genetic stock, and translocation of animals
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3.
Answer (B)

28. Water is the most common and the most important chemical compounds for the livings for which of the following reasons?
1. The life has been originated in the waters of the oceans
2. It makes a large proportions of the animal tissues
3. Livings use aqueous solutions like blood and digestive juices as media for carrying out their biological functions
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
Answer (B)

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