IAS Mains General Studies Answers

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Here in this section we are providing few previous years questions and their model answers. In order to enrich your writing skills, these explanations will help you to understand the answer Writing Concepts and Approach to answer a question of IAS main exam in an appropriate manner.

Find below the list of model answers of some past years questions, which are asked from General Studies for CSE Main examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

More Sample Answers will be available here very soon. Keep visiting for updates!
Human Rights should weigh above animal rights in a situation where human lives are at risk. Critically analyse.
Privacy is an important right in a modern and liberal democracy. Does India have a law that safeguards privacy?
What do you understand by the principle of “one man one vote and one vote one value”?
What do you understand by scientific temper and what is its significance?
Increasing rate of divorce among the Software Industry employees. Explain the consequences of this on women employees.
Problem faced by tribals and High Level Committee on the status of Tribals
Discriminating against women keeps countries poorer. Critically analyze.
Critically analyze the expanding wildlife crimes & ways to check the online wildlife crimes?
What do you understand by Large Igneous Province / Flood Basalt?
Briefly discuss the physiography of the ‘coasts’ in India.
What is Stupa of Ice and What are its advantages for water-harvesting?
What are Western Disturbances and How do they influence India’s weather?
What are Seismic Gaps and their significance?
List the four principal Monsoon regions in the world and account for their tropical latitudinal locations.
Discuss the aluminium crisis in international market and its effects on India’s Aluminium Industry.
Discuss the possible correlation of dengue epidemic with ‘climate’ in general and ‘climate change’ in particular.
Stalin’s power during the 1930’s was based almost entirely on terror. Discuss.
Comment on the policies of Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist party during the period 1949-1960?
Russian Revolution proved to be the water divide in the world political order. – Discuss.
Nehru laid down a strong foundation of Independent India. – Explain.
Socialism was the core theme of the reforms done by Indira Gandhi. – Explain.
Assess the contribution of the Moderates in exposing the “Drain of Wealth” by the British government.
The Ilbert Bill was the most extreme but by no means an isolated expression of white racism. Critically analyse!
Despite some weakness the socio-religious reform movement did pave the way for the national awakening of India.
Discuss the important dance forms of south India and specify the different characteristics of Bharatanatyam and Kathakali dances.

