IAS Exam Study Material

Important Topics: World History (French Revolution)

World History: French Revolution

Points to be discussed under French revolution

  • Preface
  • Reasons
  • Important Events
  • Evolution
  • Rise of Napoleon

American Revolution laid foundation while French Revolution constructed

Important Topics: Major Acts, Conventions, protocols and Bodies

Conventions, Acts, Bodies, Treaties and Protocols

What is a Convention?

Convention is basically a guideline or framework in which the parties decide the basic guidelines (outer skeleton) without delving into the painstaking details. A convention begins as an international meeting of representatives from

Important Topics: Indian Polity and Constitution - (Source of Our Constitution)

Indian Polity and Constitution

A Brief Introduction and Historical Background
Source of Our Constitution)

Most of the provision of the Indian constitution have been borrowed from the constitution of several other countries as well as from the government of India

Important Topics: Indian Polity - Constitutional Bodies (UPSC)

Constitutional Bodies (Union Public Service Commission)

Article 315 provides there will be one UPSC and State public service commission for every state, however two or more states may agree to have joint PSC and in that case president shall be law provides for appointment of joint PSC.

Important Topics: Art and Culture (Indian Philosophy)

Art and Culture

(Indian Philosophy)

Hindu Philosophy

Major sources of it are Upnishads, Later Vedic Period, developing and evolving over 2000 years. There are two types of Schools first is Orthodox (astika) or non-orthodox (nastika), if Veda is an infallible source of knowledge or not.

प्रारंभिक परीक्षा : सामान्य अध्ययन (सा० विज्ञान) - यांत्रिकी (गति - Motion)

सामान्य विज्ञान (General Science)
यांत्रिकी (Mechanics)

गति (Motion)

विराम एवं गति (Rest and Motion): यदि कोई वस्तु अपनी स्तिथि में किसी स्थिर वस्तु के सापेक्ष समय के साथ

Free Online Dictionaries/Glossaries by CSTT

Online Dictionaries/Glossaries

Here in this page, we are providing subject-wise list of important terms in both Hindi and English. We refer candidates to use this resource as a reference material (also suggested on UPSC's official website). These terms are useful for many competitive and research exams. You can also

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