General Studies Practice Paper for IAS Prelims - (General Science)

IAS Prelims (General Studies)
Sample Paper

General Science

1. Why is platinum wire used inside very narrow glass rods ?
(a) Platinum expands very little compared to glass
(b) Platinum and glass have the same linear coefficients of expansion
(c) Glass is a bad conductor of heat
(d) Platinum does not melt at low temperature
Answer (B)

2. To a stationary man the frequency of a sound source moving towards the man appears to be
(a) lower than the original frequency
(b) same as the original frequency
(c) higher than the original frequency
(d) lower as well higher than the original frequency depending upon the speed of the source
Answer (B)

3. Choose the incorrect statement related to the laws of reflection :
(a) the reflected ray and the incident ray lie in the same plane
(b) the incident ray, reflected ray and the normal are concurrent
(c) the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
(d) none of these
Answer (D)

4. Identify the incorrect statement about the electric lines of force
(a) Two field lines cannot intersect each other
(b) The path traced by a positive charge is a field line
(c) Field lines are continuous in a medium
(d) A field line cannot intersect itself
Answer (B)

5. The temperature of a metal wire rises when an electric current is passed through it because :
(a) collision of conduction electrons with the atoms of metal gives them energy which appears as heat
(b) when electrons fall from higher energy level to lower energy level, heat energy is released
(c) collisions of metal atoms with each other releases heat energy.
(d) collisions of conduction electrons with each other releases heat energy.
Answer (A)

6. Neutron induced fission was discovered and explained respectively by
(a) Hahn and Strassman, Meitnem and Frisch
(b) Bohr, Fermi
(c) Fermi, Bohr
(d) Oppenheimer, Hahn and Strassman
Answer (A)

7. How does it happen that Pluto is not the farthest planet of the solar system at times ?
(a) Each planet becomes the farthest planet in its turn, sometimes it is the turn of Pluto.
(b) Pluto is always the farthest planet of the solar system.
(c) The sun is sometimes in the zodiac in which it is nearest to the outer planets.
(d) the eccentricity of Pluto’s orbit being substantial this orbit cuts the orbit of Neptune.
Answer (A)

8. Why are we able to hear short-wave broadcasts better than lone-wave broadcasts ?
(a) Short-wave broadcasts are made by nearby radio stations
(b) Short-waves are unaffected by atmospheric disturbances
(c) Short-waves are more energetic than long-waves
(d) By convention, short-waves are meant for long distances whereas long-waves are reserved for short distances
Answer (C)

9. Even when an electric heater is allowed to run for a long time, its temperature does not increase infinitely. This is because :
(a) the resistance of the heating wire increases to such an extent that it takes negligible amount of current.
(b) the heat generated is dissipited to the surrounding medium.
(c) the current ultimately stops flowing through the heating wire.
(d) a back e.m.f. is produced minimising the current to a large extent.
Answer (B)

10. Paramagnetism is exhibited by elements, the atoms of, which have
(a) only an odd number of electrons
(b) only an even number of electrons
(c) the d-shells partially filled
(d) none of these
Answer (D)

11. Though the temperature inside lighted electric bulb is around 2700°C, the filament does not burn because:
(a) the metal of which it is made is resistant to burning
(b) the oxygen necessary for combustion (and burning) is not available as the bulb is evacuated and filled with pure nitrogen or inert gases
(c) it does not burn in closed systems
(d) it is made of non-metallic substance
Answer (C)

12. Acid precipitation is now regarded as a serious problem in sonic European and Asian countries. Its major cause or source is:
(a) discharge of acidic effluents onto neutral or slightly alkaline land where the acidic components precipitate.
(b) emission of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides from thermal power plants and burning of fossil fuels; these oxides dissolve in atmospheric water vapour and fall back on earth as acid rain.
(c) natural carbon dioxide released during respiration of living organisms dissolves in water, forming carbonic acid which is the chief contributor to acidity in rain water.
(d) None of the above
Answer (B)

13. When Portland cement is mixed with water, it sets and hardens into a few days into a solid and strong material due to formation of which of the following ?
(a) hydrous aluminates and silicates
(b) hydrous silicates and phosphates
(c) hydrous aluminates and phosphates
(d) sulphates and phosphates
Answer (A)

14. Which of following change will increase the mean free path of molecules in a sample of  gas ?
(a) increase in pressure at constant temperature
(b) increase in density at constant temperature
(c) increase in temperature at constant pressure
(d) increase in temperature at constant volume
Answer (C)

15. Which one of the following is best suitable for semi-conductor?
(a) Cu + As (b) Zn + Ge
(c) Ge + As (d) Sb + As
Answer (C)

16. Treatment of malaria fever by inoculation is out of question because plasmodium produces:
(a) a very few anti-bodies or anti-toxins.
(b) few antibodies or antitoxins.
(c) no antibodies or antitoxins.
(d) None of the above.
Answer (C)

17. A woman with two genes, one for haemophilia and one for colour blindness one of its X-chromosomes, marries a normal man. The progeny will be :
(a) 50% haemophilic and colour blind sons and 50 % normal sons
(b) All sons haemophilic and colour blind.
(c) All daughters haemophilic and colour blind
(d) 50% haemophilic daughters and 50% colour blind daughters.
Answer (A)

18. The best position in which we can put a person when he has lost consciousness is:
(a) to make him lie on his back.
(b) to make him lie with his face downward.
(c) to put him in a semi-prone position i.e., half on his side and half on his front.
(d) to put him in a reclining position.
Answer (B)

19. A doctor advises a patient to take plenty of citrus fruits, guavas, tomatoes and amalas over a period of two months regularly. What do you think is the complaint of the patient ?
(a) softness and pain in bones, bending of vertebral column
(b) gums spongy, swollen and bleed easily
(c) blurred vision, burning and dryness of eye and tongue, cracking of skin of the chin.
(d) extreme weakness, swelling and pain in legs, loss of appetite, headache
Answer (B)

20. All the following facts about camels make them adapt to long periods of drought in hot deserts except:
(a) Camels do not sweat until the external temperature rises to about 41°C, which is much higher than for most mammals.
(b) Camels can survive a loss of upto 40 per cent of their body water; for most mammals this limit is 20 per cent.
(c) The camel’s thick fur insulates its body against high temperature thereby reducing water loss.
(d) Camels can drink as much as 113 of their body weight in ten minutes, which other mammals cannot.
Answer (D)

21. When nitrogenous waste products accumulate in the blood, it is an indication that the
(a) Heart is not functioning
(b) Lungs are not functioning
(c) Kidneys are not functioning properly
(d) Liver is not functioning properly
Answer (C)

22. Which one of the following statements is wrong about Rhesus (Rh), factor ?
(a) Rh system is different from ABO blood group system
(b) Every body is either Rh Positive or Rh negative
(c) This system of blood factors is inherited alongwith that of ABO
(d) We inherit same factors from each parent and it may occur that if Rh-positive baby is born of an Rh-negative mother.
Answer (C)

23. Prosthesis that is designed to generate repetitive electrical impulses to the heart, is called
(a) Artificial cardiac pacemaker
(b) Heart-lung machine
(c) artificial heart valves
(d) Intra-aortic balloon pump
Answer (A)

24. Fossil man having cranial capacity similar to higher order modern man was
(a) Australopithecus (b) Java Ape Man
(c) Neanderthal Man (d) Peking Man
Answer (B)

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