Soils Erosion & Its Control in India

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Soils Erosion and its control in India

Soil erosion is washing away and removal of the cover of earth. Soil erosion is made effective by course of river wind, pre-monsoon dry wave and by deforestation. Geographically there are three types of soil erosion.

They are:
(i) Run-off erosion: It is due to rills and gullies. The worst affected areas are those of Betwa, Chambal and Ken rivers.
(ii) Sheet-erosion: Sheet erosion is the main problem in Rajasthan where sandy soil is removed by run-off process.
(iii) Splash erosion: Splash erosion is the problem of broad leaf dense forest in the region of M.P. N.E. India and Chotanagpur.

Control over them can be maintained by following measures:
(i) Afforestation programe by planting trees.
(ii) Compensatory forestry programme (1971) to compensate the loss of the forest which took place.
(iii) Mulching programme-moisture of the land is to be maintained.
(iv) Social forestry gives emphasis over forestry on governmental lands and villages.
(v) Bunding scheme in rills and gullies.

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