Indian Polity and Governance

Indian Polity and Constitution - (Introduction)

Indian Polity: Introduction

(For Prelims & Mains)

Syllabus of Examination

  • CSE Prelims: Indian Polity and Governance, Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy and Right Issues.

Panchayati System Implementation - Restructuring of the Indian polity

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Implementation of the Panchayati System in the last ten years has led to a real restructuring of the Indian polity. Give you views!

In 1993 Panchayati Raj system came into existence. Enshrined under Article 40 to organise village panchayats as the root level institutions is a Directive

What is the significance of a preamble to a constitution?

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Bring out the philosophy of the Indian polity as enshrined in the preamble of the Indian constitution.

The preamble is a key to open the mind of makers it was held so in Berubary’s case of 1960 by the supreme court of India. It sets out the

Corruption as a serious Development Challenge in India polity

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Corruption as a serious Development Challenge in India polity

Corruption is rampant in India and India is badly plagued by this disease. Society in a way has started to appraise success on the parameters of the monetary and materialistic gain. Therefore corruption has become an

Constitution of India Provides Equal Rights

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answer

The constitution of India provides for ‘’equal rights’’ through different provision. Some of them are as follows:

Article 14: To secure equality before law and equal protection of law to which only President and Governors are exception. Equality before law means absence of any special privileges in favour of any person. ‘’Equal protection of law’’ suggests that the same law shall apply to all who are similarly situated.

Important Topics: Major Acts, Conventions, protocols and Bodies

Conventions, Acts, Bodies, Treaties and Protocols

What is a Convention?

Convention is basically a guideline or framework in which the parties decide the basic guidelines (outer skeleton) without delving into the painstaking details. A convention begins as an international meeting of representatives from

Important Topics: Indian Polity and Constitution - (Source of Our Constitution)

Indian Polity and Constitution

A Brief Introduction and Historical Background
Source of Our Constitution)

Most of the provision of the Indian constitution have been borrowed from the constitution of several other countries as well as from the government of India

Important Topics: Indian Polity - Constitutional Bodies (UPSC)

Constitutional Bodies (Union Public Service Commission)

Article 315 provides there will be one UPSC and State public service commission for every state, however two or more states may agree to have joint PSC and in that case president shall be law provides for appointment of joint PSC.

Discretionary Powers of the State Governor

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answer

The Governor of state has more discretionary powers than the President of India. He is not bound to act on the advise of the council of Ministers in certain circumstances, even he need not seek its advise.

The constitution does not specify these matters but the matters in which he can act without the advise of the council of ministers are as follows:

मास्टर स्ट्रैटेजी : प्रारंभिक परीक्षा सामान्य अध्ययन - पेपर - 1 (भारतीय राज्यव्यवस्था एवं शासन)

सिविल सेवा प्रारंभिक परीक्षा की तैयारी कैसे करें?

मास्टर स्ट्रैटेजी: भारतीय राज्यव्यवस्था एवं शासन

इस खण्ड से वर्ष 2011 में 17 तथा वर्ष २०१२ में २२ प्रश्न पूंछे गये। इस प्रकार इस खण्ड से सर्वाधिक प्रश्न पूंछे गये, जो इस खण्ड के महत्व को


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